this is the TAL zone
Dive Schools and Clubs
Our range of tags are designed with the specific needs of schools and clubs in mind. We offer tags personalised to your School or club to identify your equipment and to dissuade tags walking off at the end of a dive.
To professionalise the marking and identification of equipment and remove the problems associated with tape peeling off during transport or worse floating off in the Ocean. Our tags are designed to remain fixed to your kit so users can simply and quickly mark and identify their equipment with a permanent marker in the spaces provided.
Nitrox Cylinders can be easily identified using our green Nitrox tags with all relevant information can be added.
The use of a simple elasticated band allows for tags to be removed when not in use and our Round Air tag can be applied if required.
At the end of the day tags can simply be wiped clean for reuse the following day.
Reusable green Nitrox tags engraved with options for mix%, MOD, Name and Date which can be wiped clean after use
Personalised Air tags also available to avoid confusion or misidentification by other divers during transportation or at filling stations
Our key tag product is designed to help identify your key for shore support as well as containing vital safety information such as ICE details and Insurance e.g. DAN Membership numbers should the worse happen. As these are pernalised there is the option to include other critical medical information
Mesh Bags
Identification tags are available in a range of colours and are ideal to quickly identifying your bag for a pile of identical bags being loaded or unloaded after a long days dive
Travel Bags
The Varity of different coloured tags will assist in identify your dive bag among the many similar looking dive bags when you arrive.
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